Vestal Eye Care Associates
157 Front Street
Vestal, NY 13850
Phone: (607)754-4426
Fax: (607)754-0464
Mon and Tue
8:00 – 6:00
Wed - Fri
8:00 – 5:00
Saturday Closed
Our optometrists are skilled to provide care to children from infancy on up. Children should be examined by an eye doctor during infancy, preschool, and school years to detect potential vision defects.
Since 80% of learning is dependent on the visual system, proper development may be hindered if a child has an undetected vision disorder. 1 out of 10 children has a vision problem that could impact learning.
We are participants in the InfantSEE™ program in which optometrists will provide a comprehensive eye assessment to infants in their first year of life, offering early detection of potential eye and vision problems at no cost.

Just like sitting up and crawling, your baby's vision has stages of development, but usually there are not signs to mark that progress.
The American Optometric Association encourages parents to include a well-baby check-up with an optometrist between 6 to 12 months of age to determine healthy development of vision. Many eye problems arise from conditions that can be identified and treated by an eye doctor in the baby's first year of life. Early detection of eye conditions is the best way to ensure your child has healthy vision for successful development now and in the future!
InfantSEE™ is a public health program designed to ensure that eye and vision care becomes an integral part of infant wellness care to improve a child's quality of life. Under this program, Drs. Meeker and Ying provide a comprehensive infant eye assessment within the first year of life as a no cost public health service.
A parent can give their baby a great gift by seeking an InfantSEE™ assessment in addition to the wellness evaluation of the eyes that is done by your pediatrician or family doctor.
Personalized Care that Protects
and Enhances the Gift of Sight.
Omega 3 Supplements
for Eye Health
Both dry eyes and macular degeneration respond favorably to Omega 3 supplements.
Talk to us today to learn more.